Marko Mazepa

Meet Marko Mazepa, an aspiring diplomat and advocate for human rights from Lviv, Ukraine. Majoring in Political Science and European Studies at the American University in Bulgaria (AUBG), he engages in civic engagement initiatives on campus and beyond.


Before coming to AUBG, he graduated from the New School, International School of Georgia, with an IB Diploma. His commitment to addressing difficult and thought-provoking topics in human rights comes from this period of high school discoveries. It resulted in his active engagement in Model United Nations and European Youth Parliament simulations between 2018 and 2021.


When the war in Ukraine began, he fully relocated to AUBG in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. There, he spent most of his time growing academically, designing several Civic Engagement Projects, and securing a Civic Engagement Grant for aiding Ukrainian refugee children in Bulgaria.