Antimicrobial Resistance

Abstract: Antimicrobial resistance is an unseen riot that poses a huge threat to the global public health. Development of antimicrobial resistance bacteria has become an emerging issue throughout the world and Bangladesh is a major contributor to this due to the country’s poor healthcare standards, misuse, overuse and irrational use of antibiotics. Well-trained personnel are scarce in rural areas, which is one of the reasons why medicines like antibiotics can universally be purchased without prescriptions in several countries. Even when the use of antibiotics is appropriate, dose regimens are usually shorter than needed to eradicate the infection, thereby encouraging the survival of resistant strains of bacteria. The constant presence of antibiotics kills some bacteria but other bacteria gain the properties that helped them to survive. Through the painting the four antibiotic resistant pathogens- Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) which became resistant towards a wide range of penicillin including methicillin, vancomycin-resistant enterococci, carbapanem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae and Mycobacterium tuberculosis have been illustrated. Still there is a scope to take back control together against antimicrobial resistance and reduce its effects on the environment for a better future.